Website Case Study
Holderness School - Holderness, NH

The Holderness School approached us through Wilson Engineering Services looking for an unusual website. The school had recently installed a BioMass plant, and wanted to use the data collected from the system to better understand how it is working, and for usage by students and others for various class projects.

The USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area Wood Education and Resource Center in cooperation with the North Country RC&D provided a grant to support the development of this website.  The website provides access to the rich operational data for a modern wood-fired district heating system collected by Holderness School on their campus.  Through a dynamic graphical display of energy usage on a campus map, to a schematic representation of the boiler plant with overlay of real-time data, the website provides insight into the design of this modern biomass heating system.  All historical data is permanently stored and can be retrieved in spreadsheet format for further study.  The website also provides some basic calculations of key system metrics for use in discussions with students and general public: system efficiency, and energy usage by building

View The Holderness School Web Site  

